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Ivan Saktor (bez overenia)
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Dobrý deň,

touto cestou by som Vás chcel požiadať o radu. Som vlastníkom pozemku, ktorý leží v intraviláne mesta na ktorom je umiestnená stavba cesty I. triedy vo vlastníctve VÚC. Po konzultáciách s vlastníkom cesty mi bolo oznámené, vysporiadanie pozemkov pod ich stavbou bude robené prostredníctvom pozemkových úprav, pričom jednotlivým vlastníkom vznikne primeraný nárok, ktorý prizná okresný pozemkový úrad a bude možné si ho uplatniť prostredníctvom Slovenského pozemkového fondu.

Po konzultácii s SPF mi však bolo oznámené, že v zriaďovateľskej kompetencii to SPF nemá a za týmto účelom ani nevznikol. Mám preto argument vlastníka považovať len za akúsi formu zdržiavania, pričom mi je upierané vlastnícke právo i keď mi vecné bremeno vzniklo /in rem/ zo zákona, no to v zmysle ústavy nemôže byť bezodplatné, no zároveň cestný zákon neurčuje formu ani termín jeho vysporiadania.

Veľmi pekne ďakujem za odpoveď.

Ivan Saktor

Ing. Jozef Urban
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Dobrý deň, skutočnosť, či sa v danom katastrálnom území pripravujú pozemkové úpravy je možné zistiť na stránkach pozemkových úradov (po nedávnej reforme verejnej správy by mali mať len archívnu funkciu - našťastie sú ešte stále aktuálne).
Nemám informácie o tom, že by podobne ako je tomu v susednej Českej republike, náš štát plánoval využiť inštitút pozemkových úprav na vysporiadanie pozemkov pod existujúcimi alebo plánovanými cestnými stavbami. 
Jediný  štátnym orgánom, ktorý organizačne zabezpečoval projekty pozemkových úprav bolo MPRV SR (prostredíctvom pozemkových úradov), a to z prostriedkov EPFRV (eurofondy), pričom posledné projekty boli úspešne zadané v r.2009.
Len na okraj - v intravilánoch obcí sa pozemkové úpravy spravidla nevykonávajú. Jediným spôsobom pre vlastníka, ako prinútiť správcu cesty k odkúpeniu pozemku, je nechať si vyhotoviť geometrický plán, ktorý príslušnú časť pozemku, na kt. sa nachádza cesta, odčlení ako samostatnú parcelu s neznateľnými hranicami - po tomto už nič nebráni správcovi, aby uzavrel kúpnopredajnú zmluvu. Hoci sa však už  v minulosti takto postupovalo, neviem vám zaručiť, že konkrétny správca bude tiež tomuto riešeniu prístupný.

Vladimír Varga (bez overenia)
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3. Does My Medu.ir offer resources for international students?
While the primary focus of My Medu.ir is on the Iranian education system, it might offer resources and functionalities relevant to international students pursuing studies in Iran. It's recommended to explore the platform's content library and contact their support team for specific inquiries.
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Accessing My Medu.ir is a breeze. Simply visit the official website at http://my.medu.ir/ and follow the on-screen instructions to register or log in.
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My Medu.ir is optimized for a seamless user experience across various devices. You can access the platform through your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or even your smartphone, ensuring you can learn on the go!
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My Medu.ir emerges as a powerful companion for students navigating the dynamic world of academics. By harnessing its extensive resources, interactive features, and supportive online community, you can empower yourself to achieve academic excellence. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the enriching world of My Medu.ir and embark on a transformative learning adventure!
We hope this comprehensive guide has shed light on the potential of My Medu.ir. As you continue your academic pursuits, remember that Zehnegahane, the leading website for academic guidance, is always here to support you with valuable resources and expert advice. Zehnegahane sincerely thanks you for your support until the end of this article.

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SeMaPrDiase (bez overenia)
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Anthonypsymn (bez overenia)

Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next
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Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has courted senior Chinese officials on their home turf.

Now he is reportedly exploring what could be his next political project: Becoming an adviser to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
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Musk has discussed advising Trump should he win the 2024 election, the Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. Musk called Trump directly via cellphone to explore a role that could potentially give Musk significant influence over US policies. It’s not clear based on the Journal’s reporting which party initiated conversations about the potential role.

The Trump campaign did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment; Musk also did not respond to the Wall Street Journal, but Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told the outlet: “President Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.”

Musk pushed back on the Journal report in a post on X Thursday, saying: “There have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump Presidency.”

However, a potential role in a future Trump administration could expand upon the role that Musk played in the previous Trump administration, when he served on two business advisory councils before quitting them over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.

The privilege of whispering in Trump’s ear, should he win reelection, could give the billionaire – who is increasingly steeped in the rhetoric and imagery of the conservative culture wars – even more power on the global stage. Reporting that Musk and Trump’s relationship has improved comes after Musk’s politics have become more aligned with Trump’s.

Musk has made supporting right-wing causes — and extremism, in some situations — increasingly central to his identity. He has vocally opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and embraced anti-vaccine ideology. He has elevated conservative speech on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he purchased in 2022. And he has pushed racist conspiracy theories about immigration.

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